Isn't this a cute photo? It really showcases the fatness of Ben's face.
It's amazing how far these two men have fallen in the public's eye in the past couple months. A year ago, Ben was celebrating his second Super Bowl ring and Tiger was preparing to come back from a torn ACL that didn't stop him from winning the US Open. They were the top athletes of their sport. Now, they are both being torn to shreds, and rightfully so, by most media, sports fans and people in general.
On a non-related topic. Holy cow Joe Mauer just got a lot richer. $184 million for a catcher is ballsy. I'm just happy he isn't on the Yankees or Red Sox.
And since I'm talking baseball, I am a little worried about my prediction of the Pirates having a winning season on 2011 and a playoff contender in 2012. The pitching staff scares me and is highlighted by Kevin Hart walking 57 batters in four innings. It's going to be a long season.
Back to the photo at the top. Give me your best caption. Winner gets a coke. I have three somewhat regulars when it comes to comments, so chances are good you'll win.
Traveling Wilburys - The End of the Line
Tiger: "You see Ben, the trick is to stay away from the college girls and go after the porn stars. They might leak your weird text messages, but at least they don't call the cops."
ReplyDeleteZanic should really be able to beat this caption, message boards of any kind are his forte.
Is Ben even going to get charged? This whole situation seems like the Duke lacrosse team case.
As for Mauer...follow this link to find out how long it takes him to earn your annual salary!
Tiger: Ben, can I borrow your motorcycle? Ever since Elin attacked......I mean since I got into that accident, I've been out a ride
ReplyDeleteBen: Make sure you wear a helmet.
Tiger: Like I was saying, Ben, it's all in the hips.